
My name is Abde Barre I am 19 years old. I have a big family with 7 sisters, 1 brother, 8 Nieces and Nephews. I graduated from Mayo High school in 2019. This is my second semester at RCTC and my major is Computer Science. I’m interested in Computer Science because it’s something I’m good at, high demand job, and it is a high paying job as well. I am introverted but once you get to know my I am pretty chill and like to have fun.

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.

— Oscar Wilde.

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

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The Wright Brothers

After Cars the most common way to travel for vacation is by plane; about 31% are by plane (Statista) . Airplane are important because they’re capable of transporting things and people to the other side of the world in less than a day. Airplanes deliver supplies quickly to remote location in emergency situation and it is used by the military to restock their supplies. Without airplanes our world would be a totally different place. We would have to reply on trains, or even ships if you want to go across the world; which could take several months. But, have you ever thought about who invented planes and what the process was like? Don’t worry I got you. This will blow your mind!

Traveling by Car, Plane or Train? | Inn On The Drive

Airplane was invented by the Wright brothers in 1903. But before we talk about the amazing story on how they invented a plane. Let’s talk about their early life and how they got into inventing a plane. Orville and Wilbur were the sons of Milton Wright, who was a bishop of the United Brethren in Christ. Orville Wright was born on August, 19th 1871 in Dayton Ohio. His older brother Wilbur Wright was born on April, 16 1867 in Millville Indiana. They were really close until the death of Wilbur in 1912. Their personalities were perfectly complementary to each other. Wilbur was more steady in his habit and was more mature in nature. While Orville was full of ideas and enthusiasm. In their early years the two brothers helped their father, who edited a journal card called the “Religious Telescope”. later on in life they began a paper of their own called “West Side News”. They went into business together producing everything from commercial filer to religious handout. In 1892 they opened the Wright Cycle Shop in Dayton, Ohio. This was the perfect profession for them because it prepared them for they are going to accomplish later on in life.

Wilbur Wright - Birthplace, Wright Brothers & Timeline - Biography

How the Wright Brothers Invented a plane

The Wright brothers begin by mastering and accumulating all the important information on the subject, designed and test their own models and glider. They even build their own engine. They had many failed attempt, but they kept trying and never gave up. The Wright brother decided that it would be better to control a plane by moving its plane,which actually worked. The brothers continued to fly double- winged kites and gliders in order to gain experience. After talking with the US Weather Bureau: they came to agreement that they can test their plane in the middle of nowhere near Kitty Hawk North Carolina. They first few flight failed because it was unable to develop sufficient lift. Instead they flew it as a free gliders. They kept everything in record the failed attempts as well as the successful ones: to see how they can make the plane better. The Wright brothers soon discovered that no manufacturer would undertake to build an engine that would meet their requirements. So, they build their own engine. They produced one that had four cylinders and developed 12 horsepower. The first few flights lasted only 12 seconds and flew about 120 feet. But after many practices and planning the flight became more successful. In 1908 Wilbur Went to France to interest foreign backers in their machine. Wilbur trip to France proved to be a success. In 1909 the brothers formed the American Wright Company.

The Wright Brothers: When Was The World's First Flight? - HistoryExtra

In conclusion airplanes have changed our lives for the better. We are able to travel anywhere in the world quickly. The reason why I did research on the Wright brothers is because they never gave up. They had countless amount of failed attempts, but that didn’t stop them from continuing to make the plane better. Their story is truly inspiring: and they inspired me to never give up on my dreams, because you never know how that might change the world.

Work Cited

Statista Research Department. “Family Vacation: Modes of Travel Preferences in the U.S. 2015.” Statista, 28 Sept. 2015,

“Wright Brothers Biography.” Encyclopedia of World Biography,

“The Wright Brothers: Designing the Flyer.” The Wright Brothers | Designing the Flyer,

“The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane Summary & Study Guide.” BookRags, BookRags,

“The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane.” The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane | Through The Looking Glass Children’s Book Review,

Why Traveling is Good for Your Health?

“Traveling the world isn’t just fun and exciting; there’s ample research to suggest it’s highly beneficial for your physical, mental and emotional health as well” (NBC News)Traveling is one of the best things you can do for your health. It is good for your mental, physical, and emotional health . Traveling also helps you take a break from everyday stresses like work or school. Traveling can also boost your creatively. Before authors and painting start a new project, they often times like to travel to help with their creativity (Thrive Global). Isolation can be really bad for your health . Human aren’t isolated creatures, we are mean’t to socialize with others. Social interaction has numinous amount of benefits like boost your confident and self esteem. Traveling is a perfect way to cure that problem, where you are more likely to socialize with others.

How To Maintain Mental And Physical Health When Traveling ...

Traveling can make you healthier. According to a study from Global Commission and Aging and Transamerica Center found that women who take vacation at least twice a year show a lower risk of suffering heart attack  than those who only travel once every six years or so. It also show that men who do not take annual vacation show  a 20% higher risk of death and 30% greater risk of heart disease.  Traveling can also enhance your creativity. Adam Galinsky a professor at Columbia Business School discovered that “foreign experience increase in both cognitive flexibly and depth and integrativeness of thought, the ability to make deep connection s between disparate forms (NBCNews). Finally traveling has also been proven to lower stress level, and increase happiness and satisfaction; because people tend to be happier when they’re traveling and don’t have to worry about work or school. A Cornell University Study discovered that people can experience a direct happiness just by planning a trip.

10 Ways Travel Can Improve Your Health And Happiness | Bookmundi

In conclusion traveling has numerous amount of benefits. It is good for your mental and physical health. It can allows to to be more social which is good for your health. It is also a great stress reliever. Studies have shown that traveling can lower the risk of heart disease and even death. Finally traveling can also boost your happiness and confinement. So, make sure to travel more once quarantine is finally over.

Alton, Larry. “5 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Traveling Abroad.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 19 May 2017,

Martin, Kristen. “8 Reasons Why Traveling Is Good for Your Health.” Thrive Global, 13 July 2018,

Siddiq, Adam. “9 Wonderful Benefits of Traveling.” Lifehack, Lifehack, 17 Jan. 2018,

My Blog Mentors

While at home quarantined for the past couple weeks I spend a lot of time reading blogs about traveling. I always love to travel even since I was a little kid. I went to many different places like Egypt, Dubai, London, New York, Germany and more. My mom even told me I took my first step at The Dubai Airport when I was starting to learn how to walk.

Anyways enough about me. There were several blogs that stood out to me. The first one that really stood out to me is the “Do’s and Don’t Air Travel Tips’ by DeventureTravel. I like his blog because it give me a lot of helpful tips that can really make me life easier and he talks about why you shouldn’t do what you’re not suppose to do. The next blog that caught my attention is “7 Must-See Places in the USA” by Life Travel Soul, I enjoyed reading her blog because she talks about her experience while traveling to those states and it was really interesting to read. Another blog that caught my attention was “Travel Hacks that work at home” by Samantha Wharton. I like her blog because she talks about how to book your flight (which not many bloggers talk about) and some cool helpful tips that you should do before you leave for your trip. For instance back up all your things on the cloud, protect your charger, take lots of pictures but don’t go overboard and many more. Finally the last blog that stood out to me was “Travel Horror Story at Motel 6″ by Passport Overused. It didn’t stand to me because it was helpful or anything; it was just really fun and interesting to read. It also give me some ideas that I blog about like talk about my own personal experience while traveling.

There were so many other blogs that caught my attention, but these are the one that are going to help me with my blogging for the next couple weeks. There were all different and unique. It also has given me so many ideas that I would’ve never even thought about.

Work Cited

Wharton, Samantha, et al. “Travel Hacks That Work at Home.” The Art of Being Fabulous, 4 Feb. 2020,,,,

How did Social Media Impact the World?

“Don’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people” (Dave Wills). In the past 20 years social media has impacted the world in so many different ways. It used to keep in touch with friends and family. Businesses also use it to promote their products. Social media can be used to raise awareness, entertainment and to share one’s opinion. In the past few years there has been an increase in “social media” jobs like Uber, UberEats, DoorDash, and more. Which can give someone few extra money on the side. Also you can build your own brand on social media which can make you a ton of money. It is pretty clear that social media has impacted our world in a positive way.

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 The rise of Social media has made it faster and easier to access information. With a simple post or tweet it has the potential to be viewed by millions of people around the globe. Nonprofit organizations has positively used social media to raise awareness. A great example of that is back in 2014 when the ALS ice bucket challenge went viral. It involved people making videos of themselves throwing buckets of ice cold water on themselves, and nominating their friends to do the same. Which caused millions of people to donated money to The ALS Charity. Social media can also be used to raise awareness about issues happening around the world. A recent example is the Australia’s bushfires that happened in the end of 2019. At first not many people knew about the wild fires that was happening in Australia, but thanks to social media people become aware and raised money to nonprofit origination; that rebuilded some of the damage properties caused by the wild fire. There are tons of other examples that can be used to prove that social media is a great way to raise awareness.

Image result for als ice bucket challenge


Social media has impacted the way we communicate. With the raise of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and etc; we have the ability to see what’s happening around the world seconds after it happens or while it’s happening. Celebrities use social media to communicate and keep in touch with their fans. Businesses also used social media to promote their product and to connect with their audience. Wendy used social media in a unique way by clapping back at trolls and insulting their completion like McDonald, Chick-fil-A, Burger King and etc. Which turned out to be a smart business move because it caused them to go viral and receive a lot of publicity.  “Social media has proved to be an invaluable tool for businesses who want to grow and connect with their audience” (AmsourceTech).

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Finally, the number one reason why people use social media is for entertainment. With the rise of social media people don’t reply on TV for their entertainment, they would rather just watch Netflix or Hulu. There are hundreds of apps people use for their entertainment like:

  • Facebook
  • Snap Chat
  • Instagram
  • Netflix
  • Hulu
  • TikTok
  • Youtube
  • And more

There are many induvial who became famous by entertaining millions of people through social media like you tubers. “One thing is certain though, social media will continue to change in its every aspect as time goes by and the technology keeps on getting more advanced” (Kent Brown).

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Curtis, and Hootsuite. “10 Types of Social Media and How Each Can Benefit Your Business.” Hootsuite Social Media Management, 1 Nov. 2019,–52531015574

Dollarhide, Maya E. “Social Media.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 29 Jan. 2020,

“HOW HAS SOCIAL MEDIA CHANGED THE WORLD?” Amsource Technology,–52531015574.

Hudson, Matthew. “Learn What Social Media Is and How to Use It to Grow Your Business.” The Balance Small Business, The Balance Small Business, 8 May 2019,

Rouse, Margaret. “What Is Social Media? – Definition from”, TechTarget, 24 Feb. 2020,

“Social Media: When Communication Becomes Entertainment.” Thought Reach,

“What Is Social Media Marketing?” Buffer,

The importance of Reading and Writing

“Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out” (Pamallyn). I like this quote because it talks about the importance of reading and writing. Humans have been reading and writing for thousands of years, and has endless amount of benefits. Reading is everywhere in our modern world; it is in things like road signs,  medicine, books, phones, TV, buildings, maps, job applications and so much more. So sit back and grab some popcorn, and let me inform you why reading and writing is important.

The History of Reading

Reading is defined as the process that involves recognizing words, leading to the development of comprehension. The first written communication dates back to around 3500 B.C, when very small amount of humans learned to read and write.  All civilization have had different forms of reading and writing People first used pictures as words then gradually transition into commuting with letters.  Greek and Roman children learnt to read by sounding out each letter of their words. Reading has always been important throughout our human history and without reading and writing we wouldn’t have had any information about early human history.

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The Four Main Reading Techniques

There are many techniques and strategies that can be used to read. The four main types are:

  • Skimming
  • Scanning
  • Intensive
  • Extensive

Skimming is sometimes referred as gist reading. It saves the reader time and it is meant to get the basic idea of the reading.  Comprehension is low and the overall content is very superficial.  Scanning is almost similar to skimming in that it will save the reader a lot of time. Scanning involves getting your eyes to quickly shuttle across the sentences to get the basic idea of the reading. When scanning it is important to pay extra attention to the introduction and conclusion. Intensive reading involves reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. It can be compared with extensive reading, which involves reading text for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills.

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The Benefits of Reading and Writing

Reading has a tremendous amount of benefits Reading is fundamental to functioning in today’s society. Reading is vital skill in finding a good job. Almost all good high paying jobs require reading as a part of the job performance.  People who exhibit strong reading skills early in life grow up to be more intelligent. Reading can even lower stress. A 2009 study found that just reading for 30 minutes has a similar stress-reducing effects as doing yoga (HowLifeUnfolds). Studies have also shown that staying mentally stimulated can slow the process of Alzheimer and Dimension (Lifehack). Just like any other muscles in your body, the brain also requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy. There is no better exercise to keep your brain healthy than reading.  Finally the biggest benefits of reading is that it increases knowledge and vocabulary. The more you read the more unfamiliar words you are exposed to, and they’ll inevitably make it to your vocabulary. Everything you read fills your brain with new bits of information. Remember the more knowledge you have the better equipped you are to take on any challenge that comes your way, so keep on reading. 

Image result for reading book

Work Cited

“6 Benefits of Reading Every Day.” Paper & Packaging,

“Intensive vs. Extensive Reading.” Luca Lampariello, 3 Dec. 2018,

Kassuba, Tanja, and Sabine Kastner. “The Reading Brain.” Scientific American Blog Network, Scientific American, 12 May 2015,

Klinghoffer, David. “Darwin Day Is Here! Discover the Cell’s Secrets with Michael Behe.” Evolution News, 13 Feb. 2020,

McDonald, Karl. “Different Reading Techniques And When To Use Them.” How to Learn, 14 Nov. 2019,

“Why Is Reading Important?” Learn To Read,

How to Become a Successful Blogger?

“Practice makes perfect. After a long time practicing, your work becomes natural, skillful, swift, and steady” (Bruce Lee). That is a brilliant quote that can be applied to anything even blogging.  To become a successful blogger you must have the dedication, passion, work ethic and patient. No one becomes successful at something over-night. So you just need to work hard and be patient. Blog about what you love and passionate about. There are many tips that can help you become a better blogger. So sit back, relax, and let me inform you on how you can improve on your blogging skills.

What it Takes to Be a Successful Blogger

Being a blogger can be intimating and first, but it gets easier with practice.  Two characteristics every successful blogger needs is to be a hard worker and needs to be creative. No one is going to want to read a boring blog, so make yours stand out and fun to read. You must also be a hard worker because if you rarely post your blogs you won’t get many clicks,so make sure to work on your blog regularly.  Don’t be bombed out if you don’t get many readers at first; it’s not an over-night thing, just keep grinding and you’ll eventually get there.

Image result for success

a Blog Must Have

·        Title

·        Theme

·        Header or background

·        Blog Icon

·        Widget

·        Copy Right Information

How to Blog

Image result for blog

Go to to register and click on “create a website” button. Then it will ask you which payment plan you want to choose from. If you are just learning how to blog; I would recommend to choose the free version, until you get more familiar with blogging.  Also if you want a profile picture, download the WordPress app from your phone and select on a picture. You can also do that with your background picture. Now since you’ve made your account it is time to write your first blog. Being a blogger can be intimating and first, but it gets easier with practice.  Two characteristics every successful blogger needs is to be a hard worker and needs to be creative. No one is going to want to read a boring blog, so make yours stand out and fun to read. You must also be a hard worker because if you rarely post your blogs you won’t get many clicks, so make sure to work on your blog regularly.  Don’t be bombed out if you don’t get many readers at first; it’s not an over-night thing, just keep grinding and you’ll eventually get there. To write your blog click on the “write” button, on the top right hand corner of your screen.  Your blog can be however long or short you want it to be.  After you click on “write” button; just start writing on whatever topic you want.  Then check for any spelling or grammar mistakes.  Finally add pictures if you want and the work cities. Viola you have just completed your first blog.

Benefits of Blogging

Blogging is like your own personal dairy, you can write about anything you like. It can be however long or short you like it to be. Blogging can also improve your reading and writing skills. You can share your ideas with the world and receive feedback from your readers.  You can also make a differences; it is a great way to raise awareness and gain support for your cause. For entrepreneurs they can grow subscribers, leads, and untimely revenue (Huff Post). It is pretty clear blogs can be used in so many different ways, and has many benefits.

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Work Cited

Agrawal, et al. “7 Tips for Becoming a Successful Blogger in 2020.” ShoutMeLoud, 27 Mar. 2019,

Dekmezian, Gary. “Why Do People Blog? The Benefits of Blogging.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 23 Sept. 2016,

Kolowich, Lindsay. “13 Blogging Mistakes Most Beginner Bloggers Make.” HubSpot Blog,

Matthew. “How to Start a Blog in 2018.”, 5 Feb. 2020,–rFCwxoCFZgQAvD_BwE.–rFCwxoCFZgQAvD_BwE

MH Themes. “14 Ways to Become a Blogger and Run a Successful Online Business.” MH Themes, 2 June 2018,

Why YouTube?

Being a youtuber is awesome. It is a platform to share your ideas, influence others, make any content you want, and make millions of dollars a year. You can also make videos from the comfort of your own home. All you need is handful of equipment, some hard work, and you will make it big in the YouTube world. So buckle up and let me tell you why starting a YouTube channel is a good idea.

YouTube was found on February, 14th, 2005 and it is still active today, with over 2 billion logged in users per month. Everyday users watch over a billion hour a videos and generate billions of views a day. YouTube was purchased by google in 2006 for 1.65 billion dollars in stock. With these fascinating statics it is pretty clear you can millions of dollars with the right amount of views. All you need to start a YouTube channel are:

  • Computer or Laptop
  • Camera
  • External Microphone
  • Tripod or Gimbal Stabilizer
  • Lighting
  • Video editing software
  • Hard drive
  • Wifi

Firstly to become a youtuber you obviously need a YouTube channel. To create a channel sign into YouTube and click on the top right hand side of your screen.  Then click on create a new channel and come up with channel name. Next you can choose your profile picture and background. Finally create a bio and promote your channel on other platforms. Now you can think of what content to upload.  There are many content ideas like:

  • Games                                    
  • Music
  • Entertainment
  • Vlogs
  • Skits
  • People Blogs
  • Comedy
  • News and Politics
  • Education

Remember these are just suggestions and there are hundreds of options to choose from or you can make any videos you want. Also remember your channel can get terminated if you don’t follow the YouTube community guidelines or steal other people’s content without their permission. After you came up with what kind of content you want it is time to record your first video. After you’re done with recording you can edit your video. There are many website you can use and there are hundreds of videos you can watch that will teach you how to edit videos.  After editing you can finally upload your video. Remember being youtuber isn’t an overnight thing and requires a lot of hard work and time to build your platform. But if you work hard and not give up you’ll eventually make it big.

Finally after “making it big” there are hundreds of benefits. The most obvious benefit is the amount of money you can make from YouTube. It depends on your channel but on average you’ll make $3 to $10 dollars per 1,000 views. It is just the average and some channel actually make a lot more. The more views you get the more money you’ll make. The highest paid youtubers in 2019 were:

  1. Ryan Kaji $26 million                                
  2. Dude Perfect $20 million                         
  3. Anastasia $18 million                                
  4. Rhett and Link $17.5 million                    
  5. Jeffree Star $17 million                          

You can also make extra money from sponsors and advertisements. The next benefit is fame. You could get millions of followers and get recognize in public.  Your fans will want autographs and pictures with you. Also one of the biggest benefit is the endless amount of opportunities. There are many actors and musicians that started off on YouTube, and made it to the big screen.  For instance a youtuber by the name of Lilly Singh or known as “iiSuperwomenii started off on youtube, but she now has her own late night talk show called “A little late with Lilly Singh”. She also became the first colored woman to host a late night talk show. Another example is “FouseyTube” who also stated off on YouTube and now is in a couple of Tyler Perry movies. The finally example is when two youtubers name “KSi” and Logan Paul decide to settle their disagreement in a boxing ring. That boxing fight was hosted in the Staple Center in LA and became one of the biggest PPV buys in recent history.   The examples are endless, and who knows you might also make it big.

Being a youtuber is awesome. It is a platform to share your ideas, influence others, make any content you want, and make millions of dollars a year. You can also make videos from the comfort of your own home. All you need is handful of equipment, some hard work, and you will make it big in the YouTube world. So buckle up and let me tell you why starting a YouTube channel is a good idea.

YouTube was found on February, 14th, 2005 and it is still active today, with over 2 billion logged in users per month. Everyday users watch over a billion hour a videos and generate billions of views a day. YouTube was purchased by google in 2006 for 1.65 billion dollars in stock. With these fascinating statics it is pretty clear you can millions of dollars with the right amount of views. All you need to start a YouTube channel are:

  • Computer or Laptop
  • Camera
  • External Microphone
  • Tripod or Gimbal Stabilizer
  • Lighting
  • Video editing software
  • Hard drive
  • Wifi

Firstly to become a youtuber you obviously need a YouTube channel. To create a channel sign into YouTube and click on the top right hand side of your screen.  Then click on create a new channel and come up with channel name. Next you can choose your profile picture and background. Finally create a bio and promote your channel on other platforms. Now you can think of what content to upload.  There are many content ideas like:

  • Games                                    
  • Music
  • Entertainment
  • Vlogs
  • Skits
  • People Blogs
  • Comedy
  • News and Politics
  • Education

Remember these are just suggestions and there are hundreds of options to choose from or you can make any videos you want. Also remember your channel can get terminated if you don’t follow the YouTube community guidelines or steal other people’s content without their permission. After you came up with what kind of content you want it is time to record your first video. After you’re done with recording you can edit your video. There are many website you can use and there are hundreds of videos you can watch that will teach you how to edit videos.  After editing you can finally upload your video. Remember being youtuber isn’t an overnight thing and requires a lot of hard work and time to build your platform. But if you work hard and not give up you’ll eventually make it big.

Finally after “making it big” there are hundreds of benefits. The most obvious benefit is the amount of money you can make from YouTube. It depends on your channel but on average you’ll make $3 to $10 dollars per 1,000 views. It is just the average and some channel actually make a lot more. The more views you get the more money you’ll make. The highest paid youtubers in 2019 were:

  1. Ryan Kaji $26 million                                
  2. Dude Perfect $20 million                         
  3. Anastasia $18 million                                
  4. Rhett and Link $17.5 million                    
  5. Jeffree Star $17 million                            

You can also make extra money from sponsors and advertisements. The next benefit is fame. You could get millions of followers and get recognize in public.  Your fans will want autographs and pictures with you. Also one of the biggest benefit is the endless amount of opportunities. There are many actors and musicians that started off on YouTube, and made it to the big screen.  For instance a youtuber by the name of Lilly Singh or known as “iiSuperwomenii started off on youtube, but she now has her own late night talk show called “A little late with Lilly Singh”. She also became the first colored woman to host a late night talk show. Another example is “FouseyTube” who also stated off on YouTube and now is in a couple of Tyler Perry movies. The finally example is when two youtubers name “KSi” and Logan Paul decide to settle their disagreement in a boxing ring. That boxing fight was hosted in the Staple Center in LA and became one of the biggest PPV buys in recent history.   The examples are endless, and who knows you might also make it big.

            In conclusion being a youtuber takes a lot of dedication and hard work. But if you pull through it you can accomplish a lot. Remember YouTube isn’t an overnight thing so be patient and continue to grind. The benefits are many like fame, money, freedom, working from home and so much more. If you were interested in becoming a youtuber I hope this helped you a lot. So what are you waiting grab a camera and get to work.

            In conclusion being a youtuber takes a lot of dedication and hard work. But if you pull through it you can accomplish a lot. Remember YouTube isn’t an overnight thing so be patient and continue to grind. The benefits are many like fame, money, freedom, working from home and so much more. If you were interested in becoming a youtuber I hope this helped you a lot. So what are you waiting grab a camera and get to work.

Image result for youtube

The process of creating a blog.

I have never created a blog before so the process was pretty confusing. I didn’t know what I was doing at first but lucky with the help of the teacher and classmates they explained it well. The most frustrated part of creating a blog was just trying to figure out what I was required of me to do. I resolved the issue by asking lots of questions. Setting up a blog required me to think in many ways like writing down what comes to mind, sharing my ideas with other people, and read about other perspective. Creating a blog is something I haven’t done before and it is out of comfort zone and I like trying something new. what I like about blogs is that you can write down about what you want whenever you want. Also you can write down all of your thoughts.

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